Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 Bob, 6 Ways

1. Sleek - Wear the bob with the ends flat ironed to gain more length and a sleek look.

2. Soft - Dry the hair with a round brush to turn the ends under.

3. Romantic Curls - Apply a curl enhancing lotion to wet hair and scrunch while drying. Finally,  use a curling iron to shape spirals.

4. Sexy Waves - Apply mousse to damp hair and blow dry sleek. Use a curling iron to shape curls and then finger brush them into waves.

5. Retro - After rough drying hair, set hair in pin curls and let cool.

6. Flipped Out - Using a round brush, flip ends of hair out. Hold with pomade or styling wax to create a 
separated look. 

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